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    Percent Timer Setting Calculations

    Older pivots only have a percent timer. Use this form to calculate a timer setting to apply a particular depth. For partial pivots use the numbers for a 360 degree, full rotation. Use the full rotation calculator to find the approximate amount of time it will take for a pivot to make a full rotation. Calculate the time for a 1" application.

    Learn more about the units used on this page.

    Percent Setting By Depth

    Lane Spacing:
    Depth of water applied at above setting:
    Desired new depth to apply:
    New percent timer setting:



    Percent Setting by Desired Completion Time

    Percent timer setting at known completion time
    Known completion time:
    New desired completion time:
    New percent timer setting for new completion time:



    Percent Setting By 1" Application

    Time for Full Rotation at 100%:
    Time for 1" Application:
    Application Required:
    Percent Timer Setting:


    The Equations

    These calculators use these formulas to determine the percent timer setting to achieve a specified application depth or completion time.


    Percent Setting By Depth


    = The new pivot percent timer setting to achieve desired depth (as a %)

    = The pivot percent timer setting to achieve known application depth (as a %)

    = Known application depth (in)

    = Desired new application depth (in)


    Percent Setting By Desired Completion Time


    = The new pivot percent timer setting to achieve desired completion time (as a %)

    = The pivot percent timer setting to at known completion time (as a %)

    = Known completion time (hrs)

    = Desired completion time (hrs)


    Percent Setting By 1&quot Application


    = The new pivot percent setting to achieve desired depth (as a %)

    = Pivot full rotation time at 100% (hrs)

    = Pivot full rotation time to apply 1 inch (hrs)

    = Desired application depth (in)

    Reference: Washington State University